Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baseball Promotions - Producing a Return

In today’s day and age, every investment needs a return.  In running a promotion, that’s no different.  There is always an underlining goal for a promotion to produce a return.  Companies pay a lot of money to run a promotion at professional baseball games but for what, to get their logo seen more often?   In some cases yes, but why settle for just that?  Let’s look how to maximize several returns at the same time with using Basebands as a promotion. 

Increase Awareness.  Yes Basebands will get your logo out there, but Basebands does a lot more than that.  Instead of using a product that fans throw on the shelf after they get it (hat, bobble head, mini bat, etc), give fans a product they can wear for a month or more (Basebands have been proven to be worn for a month or longer).  How about fans getting that initial reaction over and over again for a month?  That’s a great reoccurring promotion.

Authentic Baseball Bracelet.  You are giving baseball fans something of value.  Similar baseball bracelets retail in team stores for $15 to even $25 (you can get Basebands as low as $1.30 apiece).  You can also use Basebands as an incentive to be worn.  “Wear this Baseband for access to a private event, club membership, discount on tickets at next game, special prize, etc.”

CreateAcard.  This 3 x 4 inch card that comes with each basebands offers a great opportunity for an additional return.  You design (or we can help) this card to follow your teams marketing strategy and/or your sponsors, whatever you wish to accomplish.  Here a couple of great ideas that has worked before:
1)      Collect fan data (offer a raffle where your fans have to fill out there information to enter the drawling)
2)      Food Incentives (redeem this card for a free drink with a purchase of a hot dog)
3)      Ticket Incentive (redeem this card at your next game for % off ticket price)
4)      Discount on product / service (track return off a bar code)
5)      Inform about new products / services / events

Now imagine when you combine your sponsor’s efforts with your team’s efforts.  The possibilities are endless.  A few go like:
1)      Design the Baseband to represent the Team, Sponsor’s logo printed on the elastic connection, and CreatAcard design with incentive from Sponsor
2)      Or Design the Baseband to represent the Sponsor, Sponsor’s logo printed on the elastic connection, and CreateAcard design with the Team incentive (future tickets, discount on concession or retail, fan appreciation, kids club, etc)
3)      Or Design the Baseband to represent the Team, Team’s logo printed on elastic connection,  and CreateAcard design with Sponsors marketing strategy
4)      Or…. Ok ok you get the idea. 

All in all, your fans get an authentic baseball bracelet that makes them continuously remember their experience.  And that doesn’t mention other people asking about this unique, conversation starter Baseband. 
This is just the tip of the ice berg, Basebands allows you to use your ideas and creativity.  So get going!

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