Thursday, April 26, 2012

“Chicks dig the long ball”

I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before, either by your coach, teammates, friends or even your father.  Everyone loves to hit with power.  There’s nothing more exciting or more self-rewarding than hitting a homerun. 

But what’s the best technique?  How can you master a great swing to produce power and consistency?  Well I’ve found some great educational videos to master your baseball swing.  It’s called Baseball Swing Mastery.  This guy has done his homework and can get you up and running with a great swing.  Before you know it you’ll be jacking homeruns and as the saying goes, get the chicks!

Acworth Warriors

Orange and Blue Stitching with White leather to represent the Acworth Warriors outta Georgia.  Trisha is a dedicated and loyal customer that’s always looking for different ways to help her team.  She was also one of our first to use our facebook fundraiser, found here

Warriors Orange and Blue

Thanks Trisha!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Breaking in that new glove

Everyone loves that new glove smell.  But let’s get the ball rolling.  Time to break that new glove in!  We all have our own technique.  Wrapping a rubber band around the glove, oiling it up to soften the leather, running over it with your car!! Every player will tell you something different.  But the best, most effective way is to simply get out there and play some ball. 

Knowing the ins and outs of your glove is also a great way to break it in and definitely helps when it comes to repairing your new glove.  Like they always say, knowledge is power.  So check this great book out and get informed. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Another Baseball Fundraiser

Another package sent out today for a great fundraiser.  Traditional Baseband, red stitching white leather, with "Believe" on the elastic connection.  You gotta Believe!

Birthday Celebration

Today is Baseband Bracelets 5th year of doing Business!  Looking back, we couldn’t be happier with all our accomplishments and the great people we meet / worked with along the way.  Our newest department of today’s best baseball bracelets, has been great.  Giving people fresh gear to represent their team is a great little bonus when you come to our website.  Our main focus of providing a great baseball product for promotions and fundraisers has been very rewarding.  When both parties involved can prosper, it truly makes doing business that much better.  Here’s to more years to come. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How you can Customize your own Baseband

Basebands can be designed by the color of the stitching (up to 2 colors), color of the leather, image (logo, mascot, message, etc) printed on elastic connection and the CreateAcard; a 3x4 inch card that you design that's displayed behind your Baseband.

Custom Baseball Bracelets

Custom Baseball Bracelets for promotions and fundraisers.